Scientists- We Have 3 Years to Prevent Climate Disaster

A group of the world’s leading thinkers on climate change have issued an urgent call for the world to reach peak greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, as global leaders prepare for a gathering in Germany next month.

The group, led by former United Nations climate chief and Paris Agreement architect Christiana Figueres, warns in a piece published in the journal Nature that the planet could face unsafe — and irreversible – levels of temperature increases if greenhouse gas emissions do not begin to fall by 2020. The piece calls on energy policymakers to implement policies to move the world to 30% renewable energy by 2020 and stop approving new coal-fired power plants, among other initiatives.

“There will always be those who hide their heads in the s…

China fourth-quarter growth seen dipping to 6.4% as domestic, export demand coolsl

Analysts polled by Reuters expect the world’s second-largest economy to have grown 6.4 percent in the October-December quarter from a year earlier, slowing from the previous quarter’s 6.5 percent pace and matching levels last seen in early 2009.Chinese policymakers have repeatedly pledged more support for the economy while vowing they will not resort to “flood-like” stimulus that Beijing has unleashed in the past, which quickly juiced growth rates but left a mountain of debt.

As the economy loses steam, top leaders are closely watching employment levels as factories could be forced to shed more workers.On a quarterly basis, growth likely eased to 1.5 percent in Oct-Dec from 1.6 percent in the preceding period, analysts said.Activity will likely cool further in the current quarter …

Catherine II steals show at Israeli diamond fair

Set with 11,352 diamonds, Catherine II’s crown took pride of place at the entrance to an enormous hall on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, as hundreds of dealers from 30 countries struck deals at Israel’s sixth International Diamond Week.Israel is one of the world’s largest trading centres for rough and cut diamonds, rivalling Antwerp in Belgium and Mumbai in India.คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง

The sparkling crown made of pearls and diamonds of more than 1,900 carats was on sale for the “modest sum” of $20 million, said Dmitry Moiseev of the Russian diamond group Kristall Smolensk which owns it.”Contacts with buyers have been established and we are hopeful,” he said.Hundreds of …

Facebook to pay more than $110 million in back taxes in France

France, which is pushing hard to overhaul international tax rules on digital companies such as Facebook, Alphabet’s Google, Apple and Amazon, has said the big tech groups pay too little tax in the country where they have significant sales.Current international tax rules legally allow companies to funnel sales generated in local markets in Europe to their regional headquarters. Some of the tech companies, including Facebook, have European or international headquarters based in countries with comparatively low corporate tax rates, such as Ireland.

A Facebook spokesman said French tax authorities carried out an audit on Facebook’s accounts over 2009-2018 period, which resulted in an agreement by the subsidiary to pay a total 106 million euros.The Facebook spokesman did not elaborate …

Fashion suffers in March as Britons rein in spending says Visa

Visa UK released its Consumer Spending Index for the month on Monday and it’s a fairly strong reflection of just how Britons are (or perhaps more accurately, aren’t) spending. Compiled by economists at IHS Markit for Visa, it’s based (with a few adjustments to account for other spending methods) on real spend using Visa cards, which account for over a third of all transactions in the UK. So just how big was the decline? Spending dropped 2.1% after a 1% fall in February, with face-to-face spend down by 3% while e-commerce dropped by 1.2%. Spending continued to fall in Clothing & Footwear, and at the quickest pace for five months (2.7%)คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. The category h…

Little good news in BRC’s May spending report as comparisons prove tough

Was it quite the bad news it seemed? Perhaps not. Sales had been up 4.1% a year ago as blisteringly hot weather, a massive royal wedding and looming sports mega fixtures all provided a boost. Most of that didn’t help the fashion sector that much, although summer clothing and accessories were in demand early in the season. But even though some kind of drop would have been expected this time, the figures still don’t look goodคำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. And taking the three-month average up to May, sales increased only by 0.2%, which was their weakest growth in more than two years.

On a like-for-like basis, the May figures were even worse with a 3% fall, the biggest drop since l…

NGOs call out Amazon and Ebay for selling mercury-laden skincare

In an initiative led by The Mercury Policy Project (MPP), an international coalition of over 95 public interest, environmental and health groups, the activist NGOs sent letters to Amazon and eBay after allegedly identifying 19 skin lightening creams sold on both sites that contain what they call “illegal mercury levels.”According to the MPP, these creams have mercury levels “thousands of times higher than the legal limit of 1 part per million (ppm)” allowed in the U.S. คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง

In tests conducted by the MPP and environmental NGO the Sierra Club, these cosmetics – including Sandal Whitening Beauty Cream, Face Fresh Beauty Cream, and others – were fo…

Metaverse years from being global phenomenon, says pioneer

Borget is co-founder of The Sandbox, a platform that began life as a game for mobile phones and PCs but is transforming itself into a virtual world where anyone can buy land in the form of digital tokens.Fashion brands like Gucci and Adidas, financial firms Axa and HSBC, and Warner Music are among those who have already chosen to set up shop in The Sandbox.คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง

“Above all, it is a place for creativity and experience,” said Frenchman Borget, distancing himself from the idea that it is simply a commercial venture.”Brands don’t go there to monetise, we don’t know how to do that.”Enthusiasts are convinced that internet users in the near future will shop, ming…

Self-imposed austerity is the story as UK consumer confidence dips again

Its long-running Consumer Confidence Index has fallen two points for June to -9 compared to May’s -7, and significantly, all five of its measures were lower month-on-month (but not year-on-year).That overall score of -9 was, at least, better than June 2017 when it was -10, but it’s still far from being a strong number. Meanwhile, the Personal Financial Situation index measuring changes in personal finances during the last 12 months fell one point this month to zero, again, a point higher than this time last year but not exactly impressive.

The forecast for personal finances over the next 12 months also fell two points to +6 this month from May’s +8. Despite that fall, it suggests that consumers aren’t quite so gloomy about their own futures as their current spending patter…

Primark boosts sustainability cred with eco jeans launch

Primark, which has frequently been in the firing line in years gone by, has today launched its first jeans made entirely from sustainable cotton with a debut across the UK and Europe.It’s a big move for the retailer and one that’s likely to appeal to the mass of its Gen Z and Millennial customers who survey after survey show are extremely susceptible to marketing messages around eco-consciousness and other ethical issues.

The materials that go into the jeans are being sourced through the retail giant’s Sustainable Cotton Programme, which has a wide-ranging aim of reducing the use of chemical pesticides, cutting the huge amounts of water that the industry uses to make its products, and also boosting the incomes of the farmers who grow the cotton in the first place.The company…